Thursday, September 9, 2010


LOST...this word has so many meanings its beautiful how one word can describe so much..when i was a kid i remember i would used this word only when i lose something i really treasure. I would yell and say Mom my favourite toy is LOST! And mom would always come up with some brillaint answers or somehow like magic bring the lost thing back,and the lost thing is no more lost!

Now instead i would tell my friends,i feel lost! When i think about it, i become more intriqued, how can i be lost?? Im here and im doin what i have to do everyday,i have not suddenly dissappeared somewhere that i would not see my own image when i stand infront of the mirror, and yet i proclaim that im lost! I begin to comprehend how a simple word can give so much more meaning to how we feel. Its a complex human life,when we were kids the word hold a totally different meaning and as we grow older the word also seems to grow in its own way!

No one ever told me that one day this word would change its meaning to me along with so many other words and there meanings...u feel as though certain words grows with you and can somehow define you! When we were kids to be different was a scary feeling cause we dint wanna be left alone, at school or at home. But suddenly when we grow up we want to be different, to be the odd one out as we want a special place among the crowd. We want to be alone most of the times, we grow in our own ways and so does the meanings of the words we use in our life! Everything changes everyday, how beautiful life is that we can feel the change in us and we know that its happening everyday that we live and not just at our celebrated birthdays.
From the day we are born till the day we die some part of us will keep on changing,whether we realise it or not,it is inevitable,but the memories we reatin are forever more ours.